Company profile
Altertecno was established in the early 1980s. Over the years the company has become a specialist in the energy cogeneration and electric power production sector and has built several important power plants in Italy with reciprocating motors of between 100 kW to over 3,000 kW.
Within this power range Altertecno has developed special expertise and technology for the construction of triple-generation plants suitable for a large variety of applications from small- to medium-size industries to hotels, hospitals and so forth.
Special mention should be made of the anaerobic digestion and solar-tracking photovoltaic systems developed and built by Altertecno.
In addition to energy cogeneration and power production, Altertecno is also engaged in other business activities including the sale and rental of FPT motors (Fiat Power Train, of which it has been the dealer for over 30 years).